Sunday, January 6, 2013

Seashells talk

The ocean came crying, couldn't believe the damage done.
The seashells told her of a time underneath the sun.
Eels swam in dangerous tides and created a treasure chest of lies.
It washed to my feet
the lock broken
and in disbelief,
couldn't believe what was about to be out in the open,
to cause this much grief.
I was hoping for more of a relief.
Instead behind shut blinds
beneath a blanket of untelling stars,
the sand attempted to wash away
a night that went too far.
The message in the bottle felt sorry for me.
Low and behold the bottle's message told me something i didn't see.
The waves grew greater as the tears fell down,
but what do you expect when u hang with the eels
 whom are always lurking around.

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